Why does my Draft Assistant say "Your Draft is Complete" when I launch it, but the draft is not over yet?

This can happen if the last pick of your draft is actually a keeper selection but it isn't designated properly in Draft Wizard®️.

To fix this issue, please do the following:

  1. Go to My Leagues in Draft Wizard®️ (linked below).
    NFL ・ MLB ・ NBA
  2. Click on the league that you want to fix.
  3. Delete any existing/open Draft Assistants (if applicable).
  4. Click on "Edit" next to Settings.
  5. In the pop-up window, scroll down to designate your league as a keeper league and click the "Save Settings" button.

  6. Click the "Resync League" button on your league page and in the pop-up window select Resync Rosters as a Resync Option and press submit prior to launching the Draft Assistant w/Sync to port over keepers and the correct draft order. Depending on your league host, this can only be done successfully when your actual draft is 15 minutes to one hour away.

  7. Lastly, navigate to the Keepers tab on your league page to make sure the keepers are correctly assigned to their respective teams and rounds. Depending on your league host, there might be a button on this page to sync the keepers automatically.

Now when you launch the Draft Assistant w/Sync, it will no longer say "Your Draft is Complete" erroneously. 

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