How do I set my draft type to 3rd Round Reversal?

There are two ways to set your draft type to 3rd Round Reversal.

  1. Go to your league page in Draft Wizard®️ and click on "Edit" next to Settings. Here you can change your draft type from Snake to 3rd Round Reversal.

  2. Go to your league page in Draft Wizard®️ and click on the "Draft Picks" tab. Here, by clicking the Ellipses next to a round, you can click on the "Reverse order for round #" in the drop-down menu for Round 3 through the final round of your draft to manually set your draft order to a 3rd Round Reversal format. Be sure to click the "Save Draft Configuration" button once the draft order looks correct. 

    Please note this cannot be done via our Draft Wizard®️ mobile app. You'll need to make these changes via our website
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