Can I make picks from the Draft Assistant w/Sync or do I need to make my picks in the draft room of the commissioner site?

Yes, you can make your draft picks from our Draft Assistant for some league host sites. The full breakdown can be found below.

MFL: If your league is hosted by, you can make your draft picks from our Draft Assistant w/Sync by clicking the "Draft on MFL" button next to the player you'd like to select. This works in any of our supported browsers.

ESPN: You can make your draft picks from our side Draft Assistant w/Sync which loads directly in the ESPN Draft Room. Simply click the "Draft" button next to the player you'd like to select when you're on the clock. Our Browser Extension is required for this functionality.

Yahoo: If you have our Browser Extension installed, you can make your draft picks from our Draft Assistant w/Sync by clicking the "Draft on Yahoo" button next to the player you'd like to select. 

Sleeper: If you have our Browser Extension installed, you can make your draft picks from our Draft Assistant w/Sync by clicking the "Draft on Sleeper" button next to the player you'd like to select. 

For all other commissioner sites, you'll need to make your actual draft picks in their draft room -- NOT in our Draft Assistant w/Sync.

This does not work with salary cap leagues (for player nomination or bidding). 

Please note, that you need to make sure you have our Draft Assistant w/Sync open in one browser tab and your commissioner site draft room open in another browser tab during the entire draft. This is required whether you are making picks from our Draft Assistant w/Sync or the commissioner site's draft room.

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