What does it mean to pause a subscription?

When you pause your premium subscription renewal from your Account page what you are doing is delaying your subscription renewal to a future date. 

Note: Yearly subscriptions cannot be paused -- only canceled.

For example, if you subscribe for 6 months on 9/1/2018 and pause your subscription on 1/1/2019, your premium subscription remains active until 3/1/2019. At that time, your premium subscription will pause, or become inactive, until the date you picked to resume (in this example, 9/1/2019). 

The amount of time you subscribe for is not a "total amount of time used." The subscription period starts on the day you subscribe to premium and ends after 1, 6, or 12 months after that day, based on the length of the plan you select. You can still cancel the auto-renewal at any time.

Please note that only subscriptions purchased via our websites can be paused. iOS and Android/Google Play subscriptions cannot be paused.

Learn how to pause your subscription here.

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