What are Zeile Projections (MLB)?

Zeile Projections for fantasy baseball are created from Consensus Projections (similar to our Consensus Rankings). 

Premium users can pick and choose your favorite projection sources & view consolidated output. 

Our Zeile Projections are named in honor of the immortal Todd Zeile. At least, we think Todd’s immortal considering he survived 16 seasons across 11 different teams.

So why exactly are we naming projections after Todd Zeile, you ask? Consider the following:

  • The variety of teams Zeile played for is a model of inspiration for us. Similar to our consensus rankings, we plan to incorporate projections from many sources.
  • Zeile was a versatile player. He suited up behind the plate and also played both corner infield positions. We aim to match that versatility by letting you create your own set of consensus projections, albeit with fewer errors than our namesake.
  • The backbone of any good set of projections is solid technology. As the above photo (from the ‘90s) suggests, Todd Zeile embraces technological advancement.
  • Zeile is reportedly a direct descendent of Founding Father, John Adams. This can only be good for credibility, right?
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