How do I add or change my league's draft order settings?

To modify your league's draft order:

  1. Go to the Draft Wizard® "My Leagues" screen.
  2. Click the blue "View" link next to your chosen league.
  3. Click "Edit" next to "Settings" (highlighted in red).

You'll then be able to manually update your league's draft order by clicking "Draft Order" below "Settings".


To swap individual picks:

  • Go to the Draft Picks tab (also highlighted in red).
  • Click the pick you want to swap.
  • Use "Trading Picks" to assign the pick to the desired team.



  • Re-syncing your league will undo any changes. To avoid syncing over your saved changes, we recommend duplicating your league in Draft Wizard® before trading any picks.
  • You cannot edit the draft order while the Draft Assistant is open. This option becomes available again after deleting the Draft Assistant.

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