How do I account for keeper costs and salary cap inflation in drafts?

In order to account for keeper inflation, you will first need to make sure to input your keeper salary costs in Draft Wizard® (My Leagues > Edit under Keepers > fill out keeper salary information).

Once that is done, go to the Salary Cap Calculator, then Select League in the top right. Select your league settings and then click on the Save as Cheat Sheet button. 

This cheat sheet excludes keepers and increases the recommended bids of available players to account for value inflation. Use this cheat sheet in mock salary cap drafts and in the Salary Cap Draft Assistant in order to account for keepers.

You can also account for player value inflation during the draft (adjusting player values based on remaining salary cap dollars) by clicking on the Adjust for Inflation checkbox when using the Salary Cap Draft Assistant or the Salary Cap Simulator. 

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