How many leagues/teams can I sync in My Playbook?

The Basic (free) version of My Playbook supports 1 league. 

League limit maximums for Premium users are:

  1. PRO: Up to 2 teams
  2. MVP: Up to 10 teams
  3. HOF/GOAT: 50 teams

The league limit is based on the total number of leagues you'll be using with My Playbook. Abusing this limitation during the season may result in a temporary suspension of your account. In other words, if you have 4 leagues, you can't continuously delete and re-sync leagues at the PRO level. 

Multi-League Management

If you are in 3 or more leagues we highly encourage you to subscribe to the MVP level in order to take advantage of our tools that will help you manage multiple teams effectively.

This includes the Multi-League Assistant, which shows information for your players from all of your leagues in one place, along with the ability to quickly find free agents across leagues; and Auto-Pilot, which lets you specify leagues where your lineups can be automatically managed by My Playbook based on expert rankings. 

You can learn more about our plans and features here

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